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The very first django CMS Day in review

Daniele Procida

Oct. 4, 2016

Earlier this year, the first django CMS book was published. Now we've also had our first conference!

django CMS Day was organised by the Italian Python community and took place in Florence on Saturday 1st October. 

The format included talks (Daniele Procida on the past, present and future of Django application deployment, Iacopo Spalletti on integrating real-time features into django CMS using Django Rest Framework and Django's Channels, and Jacob Rief introducing DjangoCMS-Cascade), as well as collaborative sessions to explore these and other topics, from the point of view of users as well as developers of django CMS.

40 people attended the event, and the number of new faces present - not people already known to us as members of the Italian Django community - suggests that django CMS’s appeal extends beyond that and will continue to draw in new users and developers.

We fully expect the event to be followed up by successive and larger editions, not just in Italy but wherever there are sufficient interested users to make a conference viable. 

Iacopo Spalletti (of Nephila and the Fuzzy Brains community organisation that hosted the event) said:

"I'm so grateful to everyone  who took part in this first experimental edition. There was a lot of interest in talks, and many questions, comments and laughs in the discussions that followed. I was overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response to the hands-on sessions, with tables of people discussing experiences, problems and solutions with great energy. We look forward to seeing you at our next edition! In the meantime, if you’d like to host your own django CMS Day in your own city, please do - the time is clearly ripe for django CMS community events."

We look forward to the next django CMS day, wherever it is. In the meantime, if you’re planning an event or meetup that will feature django CMS, let us know, because we’d be delighted to support it.

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