3.0.3 Release
We just released django CMS 3.0.3. It contains the new Alias plugin and numerous internal improvements and bug fixes.
It contains this operator enhancement:
- A new built-in Alias plugin, which allows the operator to place references of existing plugins or placeholders in other places; (Check out a quick demo video of this feature in the django CMS Virtual User Group Google+ Community)
And these developer enhanacments/bugfixes (no particular order):
- Added an api to change the context menus of plugins and placeholders from plugins;
- Apphooks better respect the page permissions;
- Fixed how permissions are checked for static placeholder;
- Fixed page permissions for decorated views;
- Fallback language fixes for pages;
- Button fixes in the modal window;
- Improved the ability to subclass the RenderPlugin template tag;
- Fixes 'hover' effect on menus for deeper submenus;
- Added the ability to mark (Sub)Menu's 'active';
- Improvements to the create_page API to support multi-site configs;
- Reduced queries on placeholder.clear by 60%;
- Auto-detect django-suit instead of using explicit setting;
- Implemented transaction.atomic in django 1.4/1.5 way;
- Added a automatic dynamic template directory for page templates;
- Internal support for using custom forms;
Also, we've begun the journey towards Django 1.7 compatibility! (Note: for clarity, django CMS is not compatibile with Django 1.7)
A very nice community effort with special thanks to these users which contributed to this release: benjaoming, dibell, o-zander, mmarzantowicz, rrafal and many others who contributed with issue reports and feedback in the various community forums!
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