Content: Supporters

django CMS Supporters

These individuals and organizations are making important contributions towards django CMS. Thanks to them, django CMS remains cutting-edge, open-source and free.

A special thanks to all those who support django CMS through the Github Sponsors program here:


Community Champions

Would you like to nominate someone as a django CMS Champion? Please do so on Discord in the #contributor channel.

Vinit Kumar
Vinit Kumar

Senior Django Engineer

  • Contributor
Jacob Rief
Jacob Rief

Full-Stack Developer

Mark Walker
Mark Walker


  • Contributor
  • Volunteer
Mario Colombo
Mario Colombo

Full-Stack Developer

  • Contributor
  • Volunteer
Nicolai Ridani
Nicolai Ridani

Community Manager

  • Volunteer
Iacopo Spalletti
Iacopo Spalleti

Full-Stack Developer

Andrew Aikman
Andrew Aikman

Full-Stack Developer

  • Contributor
Angelo Dini
Angelo Dini

Full-Stack Developer

  • Contributor