Content: About us

The django CMS Association


The Guardians of django CMS, run entirely by volunteers.

Our mission

We innovate and lead:  We define the long-term django CMS roadmap and strategy of its core development. We make sure that bugs and usability problems are fixed quickly. We guarantee continuity and predictability for django CMS user and developer. And most importantly: we always ensure the voice of the community is heard. 

We foster contribution: We activate and inspire community members to contribute and maintain the ecosystem in which the CMS can continue to grow and flourish. It is important for us to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels comfortable and welcome.

We drive adoption: We get the word out about django CMS and increase visibility of the CMS in the market. We identify target audiences and drive awareness. We match potential django CMS clients and certified django CMS service providers.

We need you!

We need everyone with a stake in django CMS to join forces.

The non-profit django CMS Association is dependent on donations to fulfill its purpose. The best way to donate is to become a member of the association and pay membership fees. The funding will be funneled back into core development and community projects.


Join the Association as a member

What is the dCA?

The association behind django CMS

The django CMS Association is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2020 and is based in Zurich, Switzerland. Our goal to drive the success of django CMS, by increasing customer happiness, market share and open-source contributions. We provide infrastructure and guidance for the django CMS project. 

Get in touch with us:

[email protected]

Association Committees

Association Board

  • The Association Board is filled by volunteers
  • Roles:
    • Association President
    • Association Vice President
    • Association Secretary
    • Association Cashier
  • The Board is the legal representation of the django CMS Association


Apply for a Board position

Leadership Team

  • The Leadership Team is responsible for steering and operating all processes of the django CMS Association. The Leadership Team members each have their own area of responsibility.
  • The Leadership Team consists of volunteers
  • Roles: Technical Lead, Product Manager, Community Manager, Marketing Manager, Growth Manager, Documentation Lead plus the members of the Association Board


Join the Leadership Team!


Technical Committee

  • The tech committee (TC) steers the technical development of the django CMS product and is responsible to propose solutions to technical questions and problems.
  • The biweekly TC online meeting is open for everyone to join
  • The django CMS Fellow is part of the TC as well


Join the TC biweekly meeting

The people and companies behind the django CMS Association

Our members

Join us and make a difference!

We are always looking to grow our member base and would love to welcome you as the next member. Get in touch - we are looking forward to meeting you!


See membership options

the django CMS journey


Foundation of the django CMS Association


First community driven roadmap for django CMS


First General Assembly


Regular release cycle for django CMS


Community events & conferences


Financial independence for the django CMS Association


Extend the django CMS core team


Fellowship Program and first django CMS Fellow!

2024 relaunch on v4


Headless / REST API Support


Full v4 support for all django CMS packages
