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Django under the Hood 2015

Daniele Procida

Nov. 26, 2015

Django Under the Hood

Earlier this month we joined 300 Djangonauts from around the world for the second Django Under the Hood in Amsterdam, once again as sponsors of the event.

django CMS team at Django under the Hood 2015


This year's Django Under the Hood wasn't as good as last year's, it was even better (a remarkable achievement).

The carefully-selected programme of talks was packed with insights into Django functionality and secrets, with talks from several members of the Django core team and authors of notable projects in the Django/Python ecosystem.

One of them was our own Iacopo Spalletti, who related some of the challenges that django CMS has presented and the solutions we adopted.

Naturally Django Under the Hood was not just a first-rate technical conference, but a friendly and inclusive community event that the organisers can rightly feel very proud of. We're grateful for the opportunity to sponsor events of this calibre.

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