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RC1 Release of django CMS 3.4 LTS

Angelo Dini

Aug. 30, 2016


We have reached the RC1 (Release Candidate 1) milestone of django CMS 3.4, and we're making it available to the community today.

django CMS 3.4 will be a Long Term Support (LTS) release and will receive security and bug fixes until the end of 2018.

Version 3.4 incorporates some significant improvements to the system:

  • Editing experience
    The Edit page view now displays complex content better. We've removed some extraneous markup and made some fundamental changes to the editing model to eliminate differences in appearance between draft and published views.
  • Editing shortcuts
    Keyboard navigation has been improved and extended. An overview of keyboard shortcuts in editing mode is available by pressing "?". Especially useful is a new "Shift + Space" command to switch between structure and content mode while highlighting the current plugin, revealing its position.
  • Permissions
    The content permissions system has been significantly refactored. During this process a number of issues were discovered and addressed. The system now behaves now as expected. We recommend that owners of sites using permissions upgrade to 3.4, as some of these issues represent potential security problems.
  • Speed
    The rendering speed of plugins in the structure view has been significantly increased. 

There are also smaller changes:

  • Changed cache-busting implementation; this is handled through a path change, not the GET parameter.
  • Added the option to copy pages in the page tree using the drag and drop interface.
  • Made it possible to use multi-table inheritance for Page/Title extensions.
  • Refactored plugin rendering functionality to speed up loading time in both structure and content modes.
  • Added fuzzy matching to the plugin picker.
  • Changed the downcast_plugins utility to return a generator instead of a list.

Long Term Support

Under our release policy to date, we have provided support for the previous two releases (for example, following a 3.8 release we'd continue support for 3.7 and 3.6 but drop support for 3.5). Typically, this would mean that a release would become unsupported after about a year.

long-term support release will continue to be supported for at least two years after its first release, receiving security and other critical updates. Any updates it does receive will be backward-compatible and will not alter functional behaviour. This will enable users to deploy this version without needing to perform any updates (other than for security and other critical updates) until the next LTS release.

django CMS 3.4, our first LTS release, will be supported until the end of 2018.

Between now and then, other releases will follow the usual support/deprecation cycle.

Installation Instructions

To give the new RC1 release a try, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create and activate a virtual env;
    virtualenv env
    source env/bin/activate
  2. Use djangocms-installer to install the "latest" release candidate;
    pip install djangocms-installer==0.9rc2
    djangocms --cms-version=rc mysite
  3. Start the server:
    python runserver

Now you're ready for testing, report any issues found to our GitHub tracker!


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