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Introducing our new django CMS developer bounty program

Nicolai Ridani

Nov. 24, 2020

bounty open-source developer

We are thrilled to announce the start of our new django CMS developer bounty program: Your chance to support open source and win rewards for it - and our way of celebrating our community and making code contributions more exciting!


With the launch of the django CMS Association in July we took the first step to revitalize the open source community. So far it has been very successful and many people and companies have joined us in the last couple of weeks. 

In the next step we now want to reward everyone who creates pull requests on Github and keep this project running. Without their contribution the django CMS project would come to a standstill. At the same time we also want to bring a little more excitement and celebration to the community. For that reason we have created the django CMS developer bounty program. 


How it works

To earn a prize, you must register and make valid pull requests (PRs). PRs can be made to all django CMS repos on GitHub that belong to the django CMS Association organization. If a maintainer reports your pull request as spam or behavior not in line with the project’s code of conduct, you will be ineligible to participate. At the end of each quarter, the top 3 users with the most pull requests will be awarded. 

If you’re interested in taking part, begin by signing up below!


Learn more about the dCA bounty program & sign up now


This is the first step of our django CMS bounty, and we hope to continue to expand this in the future. Your feedback is important to us, so if you have any suggestions on how we can improve, please let us know by sending your feedback and suggestions to to us at ([email protected]) or on Slack:

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